Christian Counseling

We believe the church is uniquely qualified to council believers facing struggles in life including depression, anxiety, anger, addictions, relationship conflict, and much more! Pastor David Janaro leads our counseling ministry. He is a certified counselor with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. Dr. Janaro is also supervising the training of other counselors in our church. Our counseling is offered on a donation basis. You can call the church office to make an appointment today! 


What is biblical counseling?

Biblical counseling uses the Bible to define problems and develop methods for solving them. The counselor has received formal training in biblical counseling but is not a licensed psychologist.


Are counseling sessions kept confidential?

All counseling is usually strictly confidential. The law and the best interest of the counselee may at times lead us to break confidentiality in only the following situations:  (1) When someone is in danger of being harmed. (2) When a child is physically or sexually abused, or (3) When someone persistently refuses to stop a harmful behavior and it is necessary to seek assistance from his or her church leaders. 


What are the fees for counseling?

At this time, there is no required charge for counseling. However, if you are able to make a minimum suggested donation of $15 per session, it would help us expand our ministry in the future. You may also make a donation to cover the costs of the materials we will give you as part of your counseling, usually between $10 and $30 for the entire time you receive counseling. We do not want cost to deter anyone from receiving counseling. If you are not able to pay at this time, please let us cover the costs for you.


What if I miss an appointment?

Please cancel appointments at least 24 hours prior to the appointment.